视觉艺术对古典天主教教育至关重要. Holy Spirit Prep’s K-12 视觉艺术 program enables students to explore 艺术 production, 艺术历史, 艺术欣赏, and 艺术 criticism through the lens of Catholic theology and Christian tradition, 鼓励学生善用天赐的才能.
具有较强的设计功底, students learn how to seek innovative design solutions and 艺术istic forms of expression on their own. 这种设计思维的强调有助于激发内心的动力, 自创的发现, 和实验.
Just as John Paul II invites 艺术ists of the world to create “new epiphanies of beauty,” our students are inspired to engage in the New Evangelization with their life and work.
“Through his ‘艺术istic creativity’ man appears more than ever ‘in the image of God.——圣若望保禄二世,《十大靠谱彩票平台》,1999年
在圣灵预备学校学习视觉艺术, 我们遇到, 思考, and contemplate classical and historic works of 艺术 in search of our own 'new epiphanies of beauty.受圣鼓励. 约翰·保罗二世在给艺术家的信中说的话, we seek to inspire our students to engage in the New Evangelisation with their work and make their life a masterpiece with God's grace.
- K-3年级:普通音乐
- 4-12年级:Band
- 6-12年级:合唱团
- 9-12年级:管弦band
在幼儿园和一年级, 我们专注于发展歌唱和运动技能, 主要是通过传统的民间音乐. 我们的课程鼓励学生保持和谐, 美丽的, 并通过以下练习巧妙:
- 节探索
- 歌曲片段(回声/呼唤和回应歌曲)
- 简单的歌曲
- 阿里奥索(儿童创作的曲调)
- 歌曲故事(讲述故事的歌曲)
- 运动的探索
- 运动的形式和表达
- 随着节拍移动
- 键盘基础
除了他们一般的音乐学习, 从二年级开始, 学生开始会话视唱第一级, 为教授音乐素养而设计的课程. This method uses a 12-step process to develop students’ aural skills, 教语言的方式, 在音乐符号被引入之前. 在这个阶段我们还会介绍奥尔夫乐器和录音机.
- 会话视唱练习
- 音乐史课程
- 录音机合奏
- 奥尔夫合奏
- 民间舞蹈
- 中级/高级键盘基础
在上海, instrumental music is a core element of our curriculum and plays an integral role in the development of the student’s mind, body, 和灵魂. Beginning in 4th grade, all students at HSP learn a wind or percussion instrument. We help each child find the instrument that best fits them so they can excel musically. HSP有五个band:四年级开始band, 五年级音乐会band, 中学交响乐团, 《十大靠谱彩票平台》, 和《十大玩彩信誉平台》.
We also offer extracurricular opportunities for chamber music ensembles, 包括木管乐器和铜管五重奏, 萨克斯管和单簧管四重奏, 打击乐合奏, 还有几个爵士band. 我们的学生与客座指挥一起工作, 每年演出三到四场音乐会, and our High School Wind Symphony has performed at Universal Studios' 音乐 in the Parks Festival. This coming spring they will be performing at Walt Disney World, Orlando.
- 长笛
- 双簧管
- 单簧管
- 低音单簧管*
- 巴松管
- 中音萨克斯风*
- 男高音萨克斯管*
- 男中音萨克斯*
- 小号
- 法国号
- 长号
- 次中音号
- 大号
打击* *
- 锤敲击
- 小军鼓
- 低音鼓
- 钹
- 定音鼓
- 辅助打击乐
* All prospective saxophone and bass clarinet students must begin on clarinet and have the option to audition for the saxophone and bass clarinet after 4th grade.
** Each percussionist will learn all available instruments in the percussion section.
Students can enhance their skills through our p艺术nership with the 阿森松音乐学院. 这个课外项目提供一对一的课程, 小组合奏机会, and audition coaching to help students better prepare for solo and ensemble chamber music recitals, 节日, 还有荣誉band的试镜.
St. 奥古斯丁曾经说过:“唱歌的人会祈祷两次.” When we sing the words of our hymns and prayers, we are better able to glorify and honor our God. That’s why our choir is a critical component of our classical curriculum. Students in middle school and high school learn to sing and perform a variety of genres including sacred music, 爵士乐, 显示歌曲, 和流行. 我们choir为音乐会演唱, 每周一次的质量, 以及HSP年会等活动, 确认, 和毕业.
在我们声乐表演课上, students apply 声乐技术 to perform pieces from musical traditions such as the Gregorian chant, 神圣的复调音乐, 音乐剧, 和其他人. Students prepare for college music programs by developing skills in audition preparation, 音乐理论, 视, 声乐技术, 表演技巧. Vocal performance is interdisciplinary; students apply history, 数学, 写作, 艺术, and other subjects to their musical studies to improve their performances and understanding of the pieces.
高级学生可以参加合唱团的试镜, which specializes in sacred choral music and offers students the opportunity to act as our musical ambassadors, 在社区和全世界传播上帝的信息.
虽然我们不开始学生在HSP弦乐器, 我们有很多有弦乐经验的学生. To accommodate those students, we offer the option to join string orchestra in high school. Instrumentation includes violin, viola, cello, double bass, and piano. 学生们在秋季和春季学期都会参加音乐会.
The String Orchestra focuses on both standard string orchestra literature and new repertoire, incorporating elements of 音乐理论 and music history to understand repertoire within its societal context. 学生们学习器乐技术, 语气生产, 调优, 音乐理论基础, 音乐阅读, 倾听技巧. 除了学习作曲和表演原创作品, students can p艺术icipate in chamber ensembles and perform in Honors Orchestra.
I really like being in the band, and the band teachers are good role models. 我希望有一天能像他们一样打球! The friends I have made encourage me in my faith and help me focus on my grades.
HSP has p艺术nered with the 阿森松音乐学院 (AMA) to offer private music lessons all 在我们舒适的校园里. 除了私人课程,AMA还提供室内课程 ensemble coaching for students who wish to develop their musicianship in the small 组设置. This program is a fantastic resource for students who plan on performing at solo and ensemble 节日 and chamber music recitals or wish to audition for various honor ensembles.
Any student p艺术icipating in 戏剧 as an extracurricular activity has the opportunity to be p艺术 of a production each fall. Classical 戏剧 refers to the theatrical traditions of ancient Greece and Rome, 以文学为中心, 技术, 以及性能因素.
Plays are performed in the fall semester with an average cast size of around 18 students. 演出将展示希腊悲剧等古典作品, 罗马喜剧, 以及威廉·莎士比亚的作品.
集成语音, 代理, 和舞蹈, 音乐剧 helps students develop creative expression and communication skills. 每年春天, students perform in a classic Broadway production; some previous performances include Annie, 音乐之声, 你是个好人,查理·布朗, sussical:音乐剧, 灰姑娘, 还有更多的最爱!
圣灵预备艺术联盟(HSPAA)鼓励, 支持, and supplements the fine 艺术s curriculum at HSP in a Catholic and spiritual environment. 通过会员资格获得, 赞助, 以及筹款活动, 艺术 Alliance funds enhance the dep艺术ment budget and provide supplemental support for the music, 剧院, 以及视觉艺术系.
以下是HSPAA提供的不同会员级别的列表. If you have an interest in contributing to the 艺术 at HSP at a level outside of the memberships listed here or would like to be a corporate sponsor, 请与艺术总监联络, Len Insalaca, at 艺术s@manhinhled168.net 或者是开发总监Ed Festa support@manhinhled168.net.
- Mestro水平
- 匿名
- 蕾妮和克里斯·格拉布斯
- 玛丽Lambremont
- 崔西娅和尼古拉斯·马尔卡莱
- 纳德利家族
- 鲍比和贝拉·纳德利
- 天才水平
- 霍莉和埃里克·里士满
- 布莱恩Nannis
- 艺术大师级别
- 斯蒂芬妮和大卫·库西马诺
- 艺术之友
- 凯特手套
- 范奥斯一家
大师- 1000美元以上
- 2件艺术联盟polo衫
- 4 passes for free admission to HSP 美术 ticketed events (LS, MS, & US)
- 4 preferred seats at Christmas Spectacular Concert and Spring Concert
- 艺术联盟汽车贴花
神童- 500美元以上
- 2件艺术联盟polo衫
- 2 passes for free admission to HSP 美术 ticketed events (LS, MS, & US)
- 艺术联盟汽车贴花
- 1件艺术联盟polo衫
- 艺术联盟汽车贴花
艺术之友- 100美元以上
- 艺术联盟汽车贴花
会员- $1+
- 艺术联盟汽车贴花